Payment modules can be assigned to payments. They are for example external payment processors.

Payment modules will be triggered during the payment. You can assign one or more page payment modules to payment. All assigned modules need to be settled to finalize payment. To enable edit a Payment Type and check selected Payment Module in PM selection window.

Following Payment Modules are currently available in CashSale POS:

SumUp - Credit Card processing with SumUp terminal
SumUp module can operate with SumUp terminals which are connected using bluetooth.
Login using your SumUp account after initializing SumUp payment.

MOLPay - (Malaysia and Southeast Asia only) Payment Gateway in Southeast Asia
MolPay works with serveral payment channels. Initial configuration is required. Go to MolPay Paymnet Module settings to enter required data.

Razorpay - (India only) Payment Gateway Solution for India
MolPay works with serveral payment channels.
Razorpay requires hardcoded settings so you'll need custom application version.

Polish Fiscal - (Poland only) Polish Fiscal Printer receipt printing.

PayPal Here - (Available in several countries only)
Credit Card processing from PayPal. Works with credit card reader from PayPal

Square - (Most countries)
Module triggers Square application.

Fingerprint: 04:30:51:EC:FB:E0:DB:81:90:0F:CD:8F:C4:16:3F:89:3F:77:B5:89
Package Name: pl.iwkowalow.cashsalepos